Category: Knitting

As you can see, pineapples!

Pineapple for keyrings here, and bag here.

I’ve not gone mad (well, more so than normal) honest! These are my mums birthday presents – the big bag was last years, and the matching purse and key rings are this year. She loves pineapples and its become a bit of a running joke – although I’ll hastily add she does actually use these! The big one is a lunch bag and/or toiletries when travelling, and the little one she uses to store her electric cigarettes and chargers.

I like it when a present is used, though now I’m stuck for next years pineapple related present…suggestions anyone?

I gave her these when she was visiting last weekend, and on her actual birthday spoke to her via Skype – it was amusing joining in the birthday song and munching cake 300 miles away from the actual party, but hey, it was fun! I did also spend time chatting to my niece and, after her showing me her glittery Halloween spider, I showed her my own knitted tarantula.

Engel then upped us both by bringing in my real tarantula and showed her off, to my nieces horror and fascination!

Its been a quiet week otherwise, worked on some Christmas presents and some stock for the next craft fair – more on that in a future post!

Well, going to make a move and get back to my knitting needles.

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I felt like relaying a conversation I had with Engel a few days ago:

Engel – This feels like surgery.

Me – I think taking his eyes off counts as major surgery.

Engel – But he’s happier now!

Me – You have a screwdriver in his eye socket – nothing would be happy with that!

Engel – He didn’t have an eye socket till I put the screwdriver in.

Me – I’m going to have to cut his head off, aren’t I?

Engel – Can you go in through his temple? While your at it, how about giving him some dental work?

Me – I think the lobotomy he’s getting is enough, honey…fine…just pass the body here…

So, what were we on about? Nothing too grisly, just this little guy:

Isn’t he cute?

This is my very own knitted version of Engel, based on the Alley Cat pattern featured in Knitted Cats and Kittens by Sue Stratford, he comes complete with pudgy tummy and gammy ear.

Reason for the conversation? I had put one set of eyes onto him, only Engel found some other safety eyes he really liked instead, so some surgery had to be done to…change them…and then a mouth got added, just because. I don’t recommend taking safety eyes off a knitted toy unless you have all the proper surgical equipment. In the end, a scalpel worked best.

Hope everyone is having a nice week since I last posted – on the baby front, I’m settling into a routine, not a lot else to report.

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As mentioned in my last post, Engel and myself have a house! We moved in more or less about three weeks ago and currently still up to our ears in boxes, but the unpacking is getting there! And the sorting! And building of furniture! And all the other things that come with a house – like setting up gas, electricity, paying bills…

Enough with the boring stuff.

Jin Chan chilling on his new pad.

I’ve finally found my camera and can get on with photographing my various knits. Above is a little house knit I did – because even amongst the chaos of moving, I thought it could do with a little knitted touch. So Jin Chan got himself his very own knitted pad, water lily pad mind you. (Pattern can be found here.) For those curious, Jin Chan is the three legged frog, or money frog, associated with wealth and good luck. I could do with both! A wiki article can be found just here.

What else has been happening? Well whilst Engel and myself where in house limbo, we were staying with the in-laws. Sabrina (one of the foster kitties) took a rather unhealthy obsession to ‘playing’ with plants. Eight cacti and four orchids later…yeah…it wouldn’t have been so bad if it wasn’t for her pulling the plant out and ripping the roots apart – broken pots and chewed leaves can result in a saved plant, but the roots? Nope.

Cat-proof cactus

So as an apology, I knitted up a cactus that could survive even Sabrina – break the pot? No problem. Roots? There aren’t any. Chewed leaves? Off to the washing machine! (Pattern can be found here for anyone else who could do with one!)

It’s late so I’m going to leave it at that, but expect a few more image heavy, full of knitted item, posts coming your way!

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