Category: Uncategorized

In preparation for a trip to Disneyland Paris we’ve been working through classic Disney movies with the little terrors, and Engel, as he hasn’t actually seen most of them, but anyway!

One of the first ones we’ve watched was the classic 1951 Alice in Wonderland and immediately Felix fell in love with the Cheshire cat. Inkling seemed particularly fond of the dodo and the walrus, but to each their own. During the movie, Felix reminded me that I had promised to knit her a new hat this year, and she knew just what she wanted…

Made this based on the free pattern: Matilda’s Eary Hat by Thelma Egberts. And to go with it…

Cheshire cat arm warmers of adorableness!

Made these following the free pattern mini mitts by jessi koontz. Inkling fell in love with them so…

Aviator arm warmers of adorableness!

These are made in the smaller size and with a length of icord to go between them so he doesn’t lose them…

Well, it’s been a busy week with work and family visiting, so I shall leave it at that!

Wool Count

Starting total – 576

Wool used – 5 (Another one bites the dust!)
Wool bought – 2
Wool given – 0
Wool gifted – 0

Total – 573

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After making the last Nerf Dart bag for Engel, Felix demanded her own! And being a sucker for her little puppy eyes…

The Flipfury is Felix’s birthday present and the catalyst that led to the current Nerf craze still sweeping through the house, the Slingfire is mine, I have a thing for big guns blasters!

Not much else to report at the moment, still trying to get in the swing of things at work and home again whilst shaking off one of the many plagues the terrors keep bringing into the house…

I should have called them Bubonic and Typhoid…

Wool Count

Starting total – 576

Wool used – 4 (2 more! Hooray!)
Wool bought – 2
Wool given – 0
Wool gifted – 0

Total – 574

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The title made me giggle…

Anyhow! Let’s start with Biggles. Ages ago, I knit Inkling an Aviator hat, which, from the moment I first put it on him, has been referred to as the Biggles Hat. This hat has been excellent with the cold weather, and it’s super cute.

So, moving on, we have a but of a tradition in my little household where everyone gets a gift on Christmas Eve which is of the warm and wooly variety so that they don’t get eaten by the Yule Cat.

Seriously, it’s a real thing!

(We find it helps ease the super excitement of presents on Christmas Day when the kids are at the point they can’t wait any longer and must open something!)

So, we all got socks and/or jumpers and/or gloves, and I couldn’t leave out Missy, especially as we were all staying at my sister’s! So she got…

Isn’t she adorable in it? More of that on her blog!

And now onto…Mrs Tiggly-Winks! Whom I found tidying up my loganberry in the front garden…

And possibly the only knit that I’m more proud of the back than I am of the front!

Out of all the Alan Dart Beatrix Potter knits that I’ve done so far, she is definitely the most complex! Especially those FIFTY quills individually sewn onto her bonnet, back and bustle!

Now onto the next project – one I definitely need sunglasses for!

Wool Count

Starting total – 576

Wool used – 2 (Hooray!)
Wool bought – 2 (it was necessary for a planned project!)
Wool given – 0
Wool gifted – 0

Total – 576 (no change…)

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I went out to the cat mint the other day, in the rain (it’s done nothing but rain for weeks now it feels!) and to my surprise, I found…

Jemima Puddleduck! I brought her in, dried her off, and we got gabbing over some nettle tea and discussed the weather in true British fashion…

(We also spoke fondly of that handsome fellow, dear Mr Todd…)

Joking aside, I’ve picked up in my Beatrix Potter knits again and decided to start with Jemima so I would have the full cast for when Felix and I are acting The Tale of Tom Kitten…this pattern, like the others I’ve made, are the ones created by Alan Dart and after a request the other day by someone trying to find the patterns, it appears that they are completely out of print, you can’t even get them from the Alan Dart website…so if anyone does want them, eBay or Amazon are my only suggestions.

In other news, I’m up North for Christmas and have already had a ball – you can read more on the adventures over at Rabbies/Missy’s blog. (Exact link to be posted when she finishes typing her blog post, we are totally not racing, though I am definitely winning!)

Edit: she finishes her blogpost about today!

I’ll see you after Christmas! Have a good holiday no matter what you celebrate!

Wool Count

Starting total – 622

Wool used – 87 (1 more down! Not going to reach my goal of 100 though, oh well, there’s always next year!)
Wool bought – 27
Wool given – 12
Wool gifted – 0

Total – 574

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First of all, if this post looks weird/different then it’s all due to a huge WordPress update that has changed everything!!!! 

Hopefully I can post without too much difficulty…*

Anyhow! A few weeks ago I got the chance to dye some yarn with my wooly playdate pal (it’s great, she has a daughter a year older than Felix so they get a playdate and I get one too! The boys…talk about computers…?)

After a very fun day I was left with 5 10g lots of Blue Leicester wool which I had dyed all kinds of colours, so what to do with them?

Knit of course!

Isn’t he a cutie? It’s a free Knitty pattern, Nautie by Beth Skwarecki and a fun one to make at that, I particularly like how you pick up stitches as you go to twist it into that distinct shell shape…

I used every bit of one of my five lots of wool, and a tiny bit of a second for the head and tentacles. Need to have a think of what to do for the other pretties…for now, I’m pleased with what I have achieved!

Think if I drop enough hints Engel might get me the dyes for Christmas? Or perhaps I shouldn’t start another hobby?

Wool Count

Starting total – 622

Wool used – 85 (1 down!)
Wool bought – 27
Wool given – 12
Wool gifted – 0

Total – 576

* Famous last words, it’s taken me four attempts and about fourty minutes to type and post this!

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Hey all,

A bit of an aside to the usual knitting, (though there is knitting further down) a few weeks ago Felix was given a doll’s house:

Except…she didn’t want a doll’s house. She wanted a haunted house. Filled with monsters.

After looking at lots of photos of haunted houses, Engel was let loose:

And not just on the outside of the house:

With Felix’s help, of course. She particularly enjoyed painting the galaxy in the attic – by clicking white paint off a toothbrush!

But a haunted house needs it’s monsters! First up is a witch. But Felix insisted it had to be a ‘real witch’, after some prompting she produced her Meg and Mog book. And so:

Meg! Based on the free pattern Fairy Doll by Stephanie Law.

But I couldn’t have Meg without Mog!

Made following the free pattern Tiny Window Cat by Sara Elizabeth Kellner

But now the question is, what monster to make next?

Wool count:

Starting total – 622

Wool used – 79 (2 since last post!)
Wool bought – 24 (16 since last post – I couldn’t resist! It was a bargain!)
Wool given – 7
Wool gifted – 0

Total – 574

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It’s been busy since my last post – despite losing three days to the plague (some viral infection that resulted in me seeing black spots during coughing fits, and left me so short of breath I was unable to go up/down the stairs without a break halfway up/down) – I have managed to tie up the ends of a few projects, Felix has had her fifth birthday and there was a crazy cat party with 30+ around five year old kids, with games, activities and even a wizard!

Rabbie has done a good post that covers more on that last bit!

Needless to say I am exhausted! But it’s been worth it, Felix was so happy and excited!

And that leads us to both the lion and mice part of this post. Mice first:

A few more mice where knitted, but more importantly, I finished the cat of the ‘Feed the Cat’ game. Here it is having survived the party, in pretty good shape all things considered!

The lion:

I’ve wanted to make Missy, my dog-niece, something for a while, and even though she wasn’t going to Felix’s cat birthday party, I wanted her to join in. Originally I was planning on mostly following the pattern ( To humiliate the dog by Amoena Online – its a free and very cute mouse/reindeer doggy costume pattern) and adding cat ears…but somehow I ended up doing loop stitch and making it into a lion’s mane…

She’s a big dog, so maybe she needed to be a big cat…?

So incredibly cute!

And lastly, crocodiles. Well, crocodile, singular.

The mini crocodile scarf I had made previous was mislaid last winter, as happens with small children, at the time Felix was good about it and accepted a quick knit black scarf I threw together.

When digging out the winter woolies for this year, however, she once again spotted my crocodile scarf, grabbed it and paraded about in it like a shawl…before asking where hers was…

To which Daddy then said ‘wheres her crocodile scarf? Have you not made her another yet?’

Sigh. So I’ve made another for this winter…hopefully it won’t get lost!

Wool count:

Starting total – 622

Wool used – 77 (9 since last post!)
Wool bought – 8
Wool given – 7 (1 as a cheer up gift, along with a new need gun!!)
Wool gifted – 0

Total – 560

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Deep in the depths of space, lies a small moon like planet, where a family of peculiar creatures live…

Of course I’m talking about the Clangers, this here is Small Clanger! I was given a kit to make him a little while ago and finally decided to get him on the needles after Inkling spotted Felix’s Tiny Clanger.

I had fun knitting this guys, but not so much on the cutting out and sewing of all the felt pieces, though he does look really good for it. There no plans though in the near future to make Mother, Major or Granny Clanger!

Wool count:

Starting total – 622

Wool used – 68 (2 since last post!)
Wool bought – 8
Wool given – 6 (1 as a birthday present!)
Wool gifted – 0

Total – 568

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Some of you may remember this time last year I was knitting fish for Felix’s birthday party, it was for a game called ‘Feed the Shark’. This year it’s been demanded to make a return but, seeing as this year’s birthday theme is cats, not Octonauts, we’re going for ‘Feed the cat.

And what do cats eat?


Haven’t made the cat part to ‘Feed the Cat’ as I need a big bit of cardboard, but the mice are done at least! Though I’m debating more, 55 just don’t seem like enough…

Seeing as I don’t have a photo of the finished game (yet!) I’ll reward you all instead with a photo of Dashie being Queen of the Cat Scratcher, Hoarder of knitted mice!

She looks so regal…

Got a few more little projects, and a small one, on the needles but more in them when they’re done! I may knit a few more mice in between projects mind you, just in case 55 isn’t enough…

Not much to say on the non knitting front, life’s been busy with work and family time (had a good laugh at Portland Basin Museum today)and I may have gotten severely distracted playing Unravel (Yarny is so cute!) but getting there. Even if my boiler decided to die on me whilst I was in the middle of washing my hair…so cold still…

Alright, enough of me whining, wool count time!

Wool count:

Starting total – 622

Wool used – 66 (8 since last post! Hooray for odds and ends!)
Wool bought – 8
Wool given – 6 (1 as a birthday present!)
Wool gifted – 0

Total – 570

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So, when I made the Chaffys not that long ago, I mentioned that Felix liked to play ‘Find Chaffy’ with them. This is fine and fair enough when playing games, but the Chaffys appear to sneak around and get into all sorts of places…

Like under the sofa.

Nestled in the sock drawer.

Lurking in the toy box.

Peeping out from in the blankets.

Hiding under cushions…

The list is pretty endless. The point is trying to get all ten in one place and staying there was driving me mad. So, I did the obvious thing!

I made a  Chaffy bag. In all the colours of the Chaffys. It’s pretty bright, and almost but not quite rainbow like! I used the free pattern ‘Taffy’ by The Noble Thread – mostly because I liked the construction and it would allow panels of colour as opposed to the normal stripes.

It had nothing to do with the fact I found it highly amusing that Taffy and Chaffy rhyme.


You’ll notice in the photo that only nine of the ten Chaffys are present, and a little set of fingers, this is because Inkling has taken a shine to them, especially the dinosaur one, and kept photo bombing and stealing them, this was the best of a bad bunch!

Wool count:

Starting total – 622

Wool used – 46 (1 since last post)
Wool bought – 6
Wool given – 5
Wool gifted – 0

Total – 584

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