Did everyone go out Haggis Hunting in preparation for their traditional St Andrews feast on Saturday?

I did! Here’s the evidence:

Traditional method of catching the wild haggis

Had friends round and a good time was had by all. Except for the haggis. I think being skinned and boiled wasn’t very enjoyable…

What else has happened since my last post? Went to see the Barenaked Ladies in Manchester (I blame my friend entirely for that).  It all started with their album snacktime…

Anyhow, I would highly recommend seeing them if yo enjoy a good laugh, Engel doesn’t so he stayed home and looked after Felix.

Finally everyone has the plague.  I came down with a cold and have managed to infect Engel and Felix…

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I have no idea where my time has gone! (Probably swallowed somewhere between chores, Felix, knitting, socialising, dreaded dentist and trying to cram some sleep in somewhere)

Another busy day today so I’ll be brief, past few days I’ve been at the dentist (getting a crown fitted soon so it needs drilled and readied) spent some time with Little Felix and her Grandmama and grandpapa, visited my boss and her baby as well as her parent group, visited a different parent group near me, went to work for a flying visit – Engel had a contact lens disaster – and…there was more, I’m sure…

But on to the knitting portion!

Flat rat bookmarks, free pattern from Fleegles blog

Which can be found here. I’m addicted to these – cute and quick to make! And who cant laugh at a squashed rat for a bookmark or coaster?

A Scottish Hippo Tea Cosie

And lastly, this guy! I was asked to do a commission for a very nice person as a present for their friend with the instructions of, ‘she’s Scottish so it’d be nice to incorporate that into it, but she also really likes hippos.’ So I made a hippo wearing a tammy hat, i did try the stereotypical ginger hair, but it made the finished item look…odd. so I left it off.

Fingers crossed she likes it!

Well, thats all for now. Felix needs to go to the clinic to be weighed and measured, then hospital for her BCG, after that meet up with Engel for dinner before my knit club. Hopefully Felix will behave if I give her a ball of wool for herself…7 weeks isn’t too early to start their love of wool, right?


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Couldn’t resist the post title…

Been a busy fortnight since I posted last – had my sister visit, which was great fun, but tiring, and did some visiting of my own.

Rabbie and her fiancé came down last weekend to stay for a few days before staying at a caravan nearby for a mini holiday. The main purpose of the first part of the visit was for Rabbie to meet Felix. I’ve never seen Rabbie actively interested in holding, cooing and cuddling a baby before, and I’m sure if Felix understood she’d have been honoured that her auntie was smitten!

Later in the week we all went to the zoo and I couldn’t help tease her that her fiancé was definitely looking broody with my Felix! Her response: we’re getting a dog!

Watching them, I think they may need two, or three…

Missing them already as they went back home at the weekend. To keep me busy, I visited my boss last night who just had her own little one – so tiny! Not as small as Felix was j8ust those few weeks ago, but seeing as she’s ‘filled out’ and had a growth spurt…

Anyhow, I can post the presents I gave my boss now without feeling like I’m chancing things! So lots of knitting photos ahead!

Koala from Knitted Wild Animals by Sarah Keen

Added the bow and scarf in purple as she had a girl.

Heavily modified Koala from Knitted Animals by Jean Greenhowe

The head and ‘bib’ are from the pattern, I did a provisional cast on, worked the head as written, removed the cast on and using larger needles, did a three needle bind off then increased the remaining stitches, added arms, then decreased for the ‘body’. I wanted a matching snuggly but couldn’t find one, hence why I winged/butchered this pattern – cute though, right?

Koala bib – free pattern from Down Cloverlaine

Pattern can be found here. There are loads of other cute animals, but I was going with a theme here!

Fishes mobile – free pattern by Jackie Z Knits

And something a little different, but still matching the colour scheme.Ravelry download can be found here.

For those wondering, my boss is Australian, and I couldn’t resist running with that as a starting point for a theme. Engel tried to convince me to make them all drop bears, but for a baby…koalas they stayed!

Have a good week!

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Last week my eldest sister was in the area so decided to pay me and Little Felix a visit. (OK, she was just visiting Felix, but I can try and muscle in on the quality family time) Brother in law, niece and nephew were also here and I can sum it up pretty well as a whirlwind of activity.

On Tuesday my niece and nephew played with Sakura:

My Chilean Rose tarantula

Isn’t she adorable? My niece saw her the week before on Skype so was desperate to hold her, and my nephew just loves anything that moves. Amazingly, my big sister who is terrified of spiders actually held her. On a bet mind made by her husband. For £50. For 10 seconds.

Subsequently, my niece wanted a tarantula. A real one wouldn’t be allowed to step a furry leg into her house, so I knitted one for her in the requested colours of purple and green. I found this out last week so had the time to make it for her!

From ‘knitted pets’ by Susie Johns

And I couldn’t leave my nephew out, who requested a ‘lizard’, with so little time, (one evening) I made him a tiny crocodile.

From Knitting Mochimochi: 20 Super-Cute Strange Designs for Knitted Amigurumi by Anna Hrachovec

They got to take these home with them on Wednesdays visit. This visit also involved a lot of finger paint – my big sister wanted to get all the grand-kids hand prints together, though Felix wouldn’t co-operate (she was just over 3 weeks at this point!) so her footprint was used instead.

I had a fun time explaining why there was paint everywhere to Engel when he got home from work, and even more as to why Felicity was now red and blue…but it all washed off so she’s back to her normal colour!

What else happened this week? A meal with Engels extended family which Felix slept throughout (hooray!) though i was (jokingly) accused  of drugging her milk with sleeping tablets…the next day she decided to be awake for nearly three hours just to make up for it, I’m sure…

Last but not least I’ll be attending a craft fair this Sunday at the Hazel Grove Conservative Club, Manchester, open from 1 till 5. Its raising money for the RSPCA and there’s a raffle which all stallholders will be donating a prize to.

Hmm. I’d better get knitting that prize…

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As you can see, pineapples!

Pineapple for keyrings here, and bag here.

I’ve not gone mad (well, more so than normal) honest! These are my mums birthday presents – the big bag was last years, and the matching purse and key rings are this year. She loves pineapples and its become a bit of a running joke – although I’ll hastily add she does actually use these! The big one is a lunch bag and/or toiletries when travelling, and the little one she uses to store her electric cigarettes and chargers.

I like it when a present is used, though now I’m stuck for next years pineapple related present…suggestions anyone?

I gave her these when she was visiting last weekend, and on her actual birthday spoke to her via Skype – it was amusing joining in the birthday song and munching cake 300 miles away from the actual party, but hey, it was fun! I did also spend time chatting to my niece and, after her showing me her glittery Halloween spider, I showed her my own knitted tarantula.

Engel then upped us both by bringing in my real tarantula and showed her off, to my nieces horror and fascination!

Its been a quiet week otherwise, worked on some Christmas presents and some stock for the next craft fair – more on that in a future post!

Well, going to make a move and get back to my knitting needles.

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I felt like relaying a conversation I had with Engel a few days ago:

Engel – This feels like surgery.

Me – I think taking his eyes off counts as major surgery.

Engel – But he’s happier now!

Me – You have a screwdriver in his eye socket – nothing would be happy with that!

Engel – He didn’t have an eye socket till I put the screwdriver in.

Me – I’m going to have to cut his head off, aren’t I?

Engel – Can you go in through his temple? While your at it, how about giving him some dental work?

Me – I think the lobotomy he’s getting is enough, honey…fine…just pass the body here…

So, what were we on about? Nothing too grisly, just this little guy:

Isn’t he cute?

This is my very own knitted version of Engel, based on the Alley Cat pattern featured in Knitted Cats and Kittens by Sue Stratford, he comes complete with pudgy tummy and gammy ear.

Reason for the conversation? I had put one set of eyes onto him, only Engel found some other safety eyes he really liked instead, so some surgery had to be done to…change them…and then a mouth got added, just because. I don’t recommend taking safety eyes off a knitted toy unless you have all the proper surgical equipment. In the end, a scalpel worked best.

Hope everyone is having a nice week since I last posted – on the baby front, I’m settling into a routine, not a lot else to report.

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A week ago today, after 30 hours of labour and an emergency c-section, little Felix was born. She came earlier than expected, and is rather small (only 2.29kg at birth, that’s about 5lb for the imperialists out there.)

Just letting you all know I’m a mum now and that things here just got a bit more hectic, and probably sparodic!

Hopefully it’ll even out as I figure out how lifer works all over again!

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As mentioned in my last post, Engel and myself have a house! We moved in more or less about three weeks ago and currently still up to our ears in boxes, but the unpacking is getting there! And the sorting! And building of furniture! And all the other things that come with a house – like setting up gas, electricity, paying bills…

Enough with the boring stuff.

Jin Chan chilling on his new pad.

I’ve finally found my camera and can get on with photographing my various knits. Above is a little house knit I did – because even amongst the chaos of moving, I thought it could do with a little knitted touch. So Jin Chan got himself his very own knitted pad, water lily pad mind you. (Pattern can be found here.) For those curious, Jin Chan is the three legged frog, or money frog, associated with wealth and good luck. I could do with both! A wiki article can be found just here.

What else has been happening? Well whilst Engel and myself where in house limbo, we were staying with the in-laws. Sabrina (one of the foster kitties) took a rather unhealthy obsession to ‘playing’ with plants. Eight cacti and four orchids later…yeah…it wouldn’t have been so bad if it wasn’t for her pulling the plant out and ripping the roots apart – broken pots and chewed leaves can result in a saved plant, but the roots? Nope.

Cat-proof cactus

So as an apology, I knitted up a cactus that could survive even Sabrina – break the pot? No problem. Roots? There aren’t any. Chewed leaves? Off to the washing machine! (Pattern can be found here for anyone else who could do with one!)

It’s late so I’m going to leave it at that, but expect a few more image heavy, full of knitted item, posts coming your way!

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On the way to the house this morning Engel and I realised something.

You are expecting a workman at between 10am and 2pm.  If you turn up at the house  late then you will have missed the workman.  If you turn up on time he won’t turn up until after 2pm.  Thus the workman is in a state of quantum flux both being late and early whilst on the journey to the house.  Whether he is dead or not is another matter however.

Quantum physics was never my strong point but being able to describe wave particle duality using workmen at 8 in the morning is quite impressive.  Needless to say the workman turned up at 12:15 as soon as lunch came out of the oven, that’s just sod’s law.

Update: We have a house now! And as of 12:30, internet. Its just taken me over six and a half hours to find a spare moment to tell you all this.

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A few moments ago I received a phone call from my eldest sister, to summarise:

“I just passed by a cattery and thought of you – ever thought of opening one as your own business?”

Now, I do foster kitties, have done for nearly two years, and I admire their independent natures, and there may be evidence of me stopping everything I was doing to go and coo over little kitty toes…

And I digress. I find it amusing that when people see anything cat like they think of me, as if I was some kind of crazy cat lady, who spends her evenings knitting on a rocking chair chatting to her swarm of cats…

OK, I may do that, talk to the cats, but its more a horde than a swarm, and I do knit whilst doing so…and I might own a rocking chair…

Hmm. At some point I turned into a crazy cat lady…I blame Engel. If in doubt, blame the other half.

Anyhow. I found the two minute phone call amusing, and thought I’d share it. Good enough reason for a quick update!

Engel and myself have been moving for about four months now, and still are whilst all the fine details get ironed out, hence there’s been a severe lack in online activity in regards to posting photos of my knitting and cats etc. (That includes here, ravelry and DA – I’m foxymitts for both of those if you’re looking for me on those sites) Just wanted to say that things are happening, in the background, and once I have somewhere to take photos and my camera is out of storage, there will be more posts.

Until then, just little bites of random like this one.

Oh, and for those curious, I have contemplated a cattery as a little job to keep me ticking over if I ever won the lottery. Won’t happen, but I can always dream.

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