An eventful week…
Despite my best wishes and hopes, the start of 2021 was far more eventful than I wanted. That said, it wasn’t all bad!
The worst part was that, as I suspected, we’ve been put into lockdown again. So no school for the terrors, but unlike last time, I’m not on furlough. Cue many sleepless nights, much stressing and general feelings of despair. But, it all worked out. Both myself and Engel have been deemed as critical workers and we have secured places for both Terrors at school and nursery.
On a better, eventful note, I was surprised by a review video of my knitted Escher Ganger!
More eventful news, I won a toy pattern and two sweater patterns through the Wild Knitting challenge! I am really looking forward to doing some knitting for me, but I really need to reduce the stash before I can justify buying two sweater quantities of wool! I’m working on it, managed to burn through 6 balls this week!
In less eventful news, I have managed some spinning for one of my big projects, been plodding away at my year long project and finished a quick little one for Engel just last night which I will share now!

It’s Snorlax! Engel demanded that he get a Pokémon hat after Felix’s Eevee hat and Inklings Meowth hat, so I asked the kids what Pokémon I should knit for him and within three seconds, the answer was Snorlax!
Now the kids are demanding I should make one for me, but there are just so many choices… Gengar? Wooloo? Purrserker?
Till next week, stay safe!
Wool Count
Starting total – 897
Wool used – 6
Wool bought – 0
Wool given to me – 0
Wool gifted to others – 0
Wool handspun – 0
Total – 891
In all reality, I think you are a Chancey these days, however, your childhood fav was vulpix/ninetails, so go with those!
Also, the review is hysterical. I love how seriously they take it.
You have a point with the Chancey, that is very much the Pokémon I am these days! And childhood fav would be nice…I may just have to knit a few!