Category: Updates

Had another busy week (both real life and online) and managed to get a few more things back up and running for the site!

My sister Rabbie, aka themagpiesnest, whose knitted (and sewn, and baked) goodies can be found here, or her blog over here, asked me to host two of her patterns which are now back online for people to use and make!

So here they are, a B-Bomb pattern and a Kirby pattern! Whats better, they’re both free!

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Firstly, Crumble complained that Salem and Sabrina were receiving too much attention and that she should have her photo posted.

The gorgeous Crumble cat.

Now that I’ve finished bowing to the cats every demand, on to my readers/watchers/followers commands!

Both the Axolotl pattern and the Companion Cube pattern are back online! They’ve had some revising done to them, mostly to make things more self explanatory and to try and iron out a few issues… These and all other free patterns I get round to digging out, dusting off and typing up will and can be found on the Free Patterns page.

Lastly, I’ve put a link on the menu bar (look at the top of the page, there’s one for the Free Patterns too) to my DA gallery. I’m hoping to eventually have a gallery on here of my knitted things, or something similar, but its pretty intensive work and I’m currently far too lazy/busy/tired. If anyone has any suggestions however…you can get in touch via the new Contact page! (Also in the menu bar)

More to come soon! Hopefully…

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Hello world!

Due to all the problems with wordpress, hosting and generally laziness we’ve decided to reboot the foxymitts website.

So coming soon. a whole new foxymitts look and content… maybe.

Patterns and the old content will be restored as soon as possible but due to off-line commitments we’re not sure how long this will be.

Salem and Sabrina will be ensuring work gets done to their standards.


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