Bee yourself

Do your own sting!

Or in my case, look longingly at vintage daisy makers then cobble my own together…

But what has that to do with bees? Well, its un-bee-lievable that you asked, so lets stop bumbling and get to the knitting!

Another window wreath (I haven’t forgotten them!) And this one quite simple for the summer time. The bees I have knit before, and again they have proved a quick, easy-beesy, versatile knit. The pattern for them is Buzzy Bee Motif by Kippers Ning and its free – who doesn’t love a free-bee?

(And no, I won’t bee-hive myself, the bee puns will continue! I have a buzz-illion of them!)

Ahem. Here’s a close up of a bee-autiful bee…

One of the main reasons for wanting to make this wreath was, as mentioned at the bee-ginning of this post – after longingly looking at vintage daisy makers (I blame Retro Claude over on youtube) I decided to DIY one.

(Excuse the mess, I was buzzing about and clean forgot to take another photo before it disintegrated.)

After a few goes I was getting some pretty cute daisies. Then even cuter dandelions!

And that is the un-bee-lievably dull tale of why I was knitting bees. I’d say the ending stung, but it’s really cute and I love the placement of the bees and flowers. (Shout out to my fellow Valkyries Rabbie and OwlLady! Especially OwlLady for her patience with positioning the bee part of the wreath just right to give a crescent moon, and a slightly asymmetric look.)

In other news, first viking show of the season (for myself, there’s been a few before) has been and gone and I am buzzing with excitement for the next – Felix and Inkling will be coming along as proper little vikings!

Now to make sure they can properly yell ‘For Valhalla!’

Until next post, stay safe, and bee yourself!

Wool Count

Starting total – 841

Wool used – 44 (Up by three!)
Wool unaccounted for in my stash – 15
Wool bought – 19 (Up by 9)
Wool given to me – 26 (Up by 1)
Wool gifted to others – 2
Wool handspun – 6

Total – 863 (Net difference: +22)

One comment on “Bee yourself
  1. Rabbie says:

    It’s un-bee-lievably cute! I love the asymmetric design, really adds to the loops of the daisy’s.

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