Lets Dune it!
Before I get into the knitting part of this blog, lets do the more sand-imental parts first.
El DiPablo was…very much a ‘Dune not disturb’ type of cat, but with a lot of perseverance, time, treats, patience, the spicy kitty started to accept that humans exist in his space, and they wanted to interact with him, not just throw food and walk away. Felix got the big breakthrough moment of being able to boop his nose with no consequence, just an ear flick of amusement. Or bemusement.
Eh, lets not sift sands on that one.
He is back home and actively engaging in play and wanting fussed, didn’t even take a full 24 hours of getting his pawprints back in his home turf.
Back to knitting and the reason behind these sand-sational puns!
A few weeks ago, some friends and myself went to watch dune. One of my friends who went was Spectral Phantom and much like myself, he enjoys a good pun. And the fact that spice and dice play into that…
“The dice must roll”
Its classic, its funny, and an idea began to worm its way into my mind then onto my needles…
When there is spice, there are sandworms. When there are spice dice (yes, Spectral Phantom also got inspired) there must be a sandworm dicebag.
This crazy dice bag is entirely out of my own head. I picked up the needles, looked at some sandworms, and just let the knitting flow… When it came to the mouth, I had already worked out that running a drawstring through it would give that rippling effect you see in movies etc. Problem was, how do I do a drawstring on a sandworm and make it look cohesive?
Well, when there is spice, there are sandworms, and where there are sandworms, there are Fremen riding those sandworms. And his little ropes and hooks could quite conveniently be the drawstring too. Its just all looped inside to draw in the right way.
I think I can safely say, this sandworm has thoroughly wormed its way into my favourite geeky dice bags. Will I be knitting more dice bags in my future? Well, does the desert have sand?
Until the next post, stay safe!
Wool Count
Starting total – 841
Wool used – 28 (Up by two!)
Wool unaccounted for in my stash – 15
Wool bought – 10
Wool given to me – 19
Wool gifted to others – 2
Wool handspun – 6
Total – 862 (Net difference: +21)
A dice bag suitable for Muad’Dib!
It’s absolutely amazing! The freman on top is just the perfect finish!