Angry Badger!

Have you noticed that most couples have some cute or endearing little terms they use with one another if the other is say, in a bad mood, or being particularly excited?

For example, if myself or Engel want to be left alone, it’s described as ‘being a squeezle’ ( a No Reservations reference to a porcupine) or if one of us is being just grouchy then they’re ‘a grumpy bunny’ if all’s well then we’re ‘little/big cat’.

Well I was requested to make someone else’s version of ‘grumpy bunny’ and that is ‘angry badger’…

Think he looks angry enough? I think he looks ready to murder someone…

And a side view of him having a tantrum and destroying all the Duplo…

I’ll be honest in that I had a lot of fun with this, I’ve not knitted a badger before (this is a great free pattern Miss Barlow Badger by Jem Weston) and I have never purposefully tried to make a toy look angry before!

He went down really well, and there’s already been a request for a ‘bad news badger’ for Valentine’s, I’ll wait till closer to the time to see if that’s something that is genuinely going ahead, but it’s certainly made me laugh!

Not much in other news, well, that’s not quite true, a lot has been going on, but not the kind of stuff I talk about here. It’ll all be fine in the end, just need to remember that there is an end, and it is in sight.

Christmas has descended upon the household, did a Grinch-mas trail last week and the tree has gone up today. A bit early for myself personally but the combined puppy eyes of Felix and Inkling made me cave in.

Oh, one more thing, the wool count! Normally I pop it on the bottom of the post and leave it at that but after using one ball up these last two weeks I am now at 666! The number of the beast!

Though I keep singing ‘Knit-Knit-Knit, the stitches of the beast!’

On that note, cheerio till next week!

Wool Count

Starting total – 576

Wool used – 108 (1 this week)
Wool bought – 63
Wool given – 167 (was gifted four balls this week)
Wool gifted – 31

Total – 666 the number of the beast!

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2 comments on “Angry Badger!
  1. Rabbie says:

    The badger is brilliant! And very angry looking.

    I don’t think your reworking if number of the beast will be a hit, but it made be giggle!

    I truly hope all works out IRL sooner than later, you have my sympathy there, blearily staring ahead looking for the light at the end of the tunnel is exhausting.

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