Plaid chart

-Needles to suit your wool
-Colour A of yarn
-Colour B of yarn
-Tapestry/yarn needle for seaming
St(s) = Stitch(es)
CO = Cast on
K# = knit # stitches
P# = purl # stitches
Sl # = Slip # stitches (move st(s) from left needle to right needle without K or P it)
BO = Bind off
YO, K2tog = Wrap yarn round needle once before taking the next two stitches and knitting them together. This should not change stitch count as you are creating one stitch, and a hole, for every stitch removed,
Chart (multiple repeat of 10 sts and 10 rows)
Select what you would like to knit with the plaid pattern. Ensure it is a multiple of ten sts if in the round, and five if worked flat so that the chart lines up correctly. Work the pattern as intended.
Dice bag example:

Using straight needles in a size that gives a firm fabric, CO 20sts in either colour.
Join second colour and work flat for 25 rows following chart.
still following colour changes as dictated by chart, pick up and knit 20 sts along working and CO edge and 25 sts along both sides. 90sts.
Join in the round and following the chart, work a further 24 rounds.
Fo next row:
*YO, K2tog, K3* to end. Work a further 9 rounds then BO. Create I-cord or use ribbon, or braid, to thread through yarnovers to fasten bag.
Shoulder bag example:
Using circular needles in a size that gives a nice drape to the fabric (if lined) or a tight weave (if not lined), CO 150sts in either colour.
Join second colour and work in the round for 65 rounds following chart.
Add optional chart, mine was 17 round high, or continue in plaid pattern for 17 rounds.
Work further 8 rounds in chart.
BO if preferred method, for this bag, I chose applied i-cord.
For handle, I cast on 10 sts and worked chart flat to desires length then lined with fabric.
Pattern copyright of